Archive for the ‘Family’ Category


I’m packing my backpack for a weekend trip to Germany to visit my good friend Stephan and my family. Apparently snow storm Jennifer is a bit of a trouble maker on the island of Rügen.

Can’t figure out whether I think it’s cosy or spooky. Probably a bit of both. I hope Stephan will be able to get through to the ferry harbor to come and get me.

The pictures I borrowed from our local newspaper: Ostsee-Zeitung.

happy anniversary

Jeg elsker dig, min skat!

countryside heaven

After a night of rain, rain and rain, the sun is now shining as if nothing’s ever happened. I love summer rains.

Today I feel like showing you some more pictures from our trip to Germany. For those of you who don’t know Rügen, let me tell you, it’s countryside heaven! We have it all: beaches, forests, lakes, one tiny little river, mountains (okay, hills) and fields that don’t seem to end. After our trip to the miniature park, dad decided to show us two big farms that still function as farms but at the same time they’re kinda touristy. There’s cafés, you can ride tractors and you can walk around and go pet little animals.

IMG_3324There were little kittens everywhere. Me and Morten, who were missing Root very much, went totally nuts about them.

IMG_3314Meet the farmers! We could totally run this  place!

goatsAnd then there were those adorable goat babies, I call them goatsies, that could barely walk and yet tried to ‘attack’ each other.

IMG_3329Morten and I enjoyed this day so much. We love each other, can you tell?

IMG_3336To finish off an awesome day we would have a classic German BBQ: sausages, potato salad, a green salad and beer.

IMG_3334Morten always says, ‘Germans try everything to make their beer not taste of beer.’ Here you see wheat beer flavored with grapefruit and prickly pear (hope my translator did a good job here… ‘Kaktusfeige’ is the German word).

All in all a perfect day!

all around the world

During our trip to Germany, there was one day where my parents both were off from work, so we decided to do something all together. My dad was in charge of coming up with something. He chose to show us the world – in miniature :-)

IMG_3293Our trip started in London, …

IMG_3290… continued in Rome, …

IMG_3292…. and brought us to Moscow.

IMG_3291But why stop in Europe, when the rest of the world is just a stone’s throw away? We would go to China, …

IMG_3255… visit Sam in Australia, …

IMG_3294… and end our tour in America.

IMG_3270skalAfter all that globetrotting, we decided to travel the kids play area =) Both Morten and my dad have way more advanced sliding technique than I do.

theeggAfter the slide dad and I tried ‘The Egg’, a little cabin that makes loops as you wish. Man, what fun we had!

IMG_3271We would make a stop at the couple swing as well. Mom loves it, can you tell?

IMG_3258The most fun I had in a long time, was when dad and I went on this ride. That monster here circles around while you can do funny things with the steering wheel so your little wagon would shoot through the water. Awesome!

IMG_3301When we were done with the park and about to get back to the car, guess who I met? And it wasn’t even a miniature. Lucky me =)

I enjoyed that family day so much, and while looking at all the fun miniatures, I couldn’t help but constantly thinking of my dear friend Brinja, who has this amazing miniature model of her own apartment.

the return to blogland

We’ve been back from Germany since Tuesday night. And now I’m finally ready to blog again. Looking through the pictures we took, I realized that I have a million things I wanna share with you. So for the upcoming days get ready for a couple of ‘Urlaubseindrücke’ – impressions of our vacation =)

I wanna start with one thing that makes me all warm and fuzzy – the relationship between Morten and my dad.

The thing is, Morten doesn’t speak German too well, and my dad isn’t an English-pro either. So seeing them interacting is just heartwarming =) Sign language, Spanish (my dad speaks it and loves giving orders in Spanish), broken German and English and big smiles is what makes them understand each other.

IMG_3242Dad is very interested in everything he doesn’t have a clue about. Morten, being a big American Football fan, is showing dad how to hold and throw the ball.

MortengardenDad is crazy about his garden. Here he just introduced Morten to the secrets of watering plants. A big honor. I think Morten is born to be the perfect gardener!

IMG_3247Dad loves fooling around. Especially with his ‘Danish friend’.

IMG_3298Last but not least, Morten and dad visiting the stock exchange in Copenhagen. But that trip is a whole different post!

It’s good to be back to blogland! We’ll be reading each other ;-)

wind, water, sunshine and lots of fun

What a nice trip! Everything went well and we had the greatest fun ever!

IMG_3158We’re all packed up and ready to go. Please notice that it’s my bike with our luggage… A decision I might regret later on…

IMG_3161All happy, about 5 km into our trip.

IMG_3163Eeeaaagle (Morten has watched too many episode of Scrubs)

IMG_3169I liked the fact that Sweden has this many bike paths. We were really lucky with the route Google maps suggested.

IMG_3175After 20 km we had a little stop near the water. We were surrounded by swans and lady bugs. Really cosy!

IMG_3176Homemade sandwiches with tunasalad. YUM!

IMG_3178My man =)

IMG_3190First glimpse of Rügen – the chalk cliffs on the north-eastern coast.

IMG_3199Biking in Germany was somehow a lot harder. Lots of hills but also really nice bike paths through the woods.

IMG_3200Almost there: the houses on the right belong to the little village my parents live in.

IMG_3202After having biked 55 km we enjoyed a nice dinner in Ralswiek (a place I will tell you more about in a couple of days) together with my little brother, Felix, and my mom.

Today is a day of planning. There’s so many things to do and so little time… I will keep you posted!

thank you, Mr. Bell

As I’m living far away from home, even in another country, the only way to communicate with my parents is via telephone. Every once in a while my mom and I get to talk a bit longer that what’s known as ‘normal’. Today we put up a personal record – 2 hours and 2 minutes =)

How long do you usually talk on the phone? And what kind of funny things do you do on the side? 

IMG_3118I think I talked Root into a deep coma ;-)


Tomorrow, it’s my 1 month anniversary here in the blog world – a very exciting event. So far I can only say that  I love it. I got insight in other peoples lives and talents which inspired me in a way. I’m not the most creative person but the fact that I have my camera with me every day and get to take pictures of my life makes me really happy. Blogging makes you look out for the small treasures in life. 

Lina, whose blog always plays the most adorable music, tagged me to write about things I like about summer time. Being tagged kinda makes me feel special, I love those little games here in the blog world. It makes us get to know each other even better =)

5 things I’ll enjoy this summer

1. Classens Have

31257We’re so lucky to live in a big city as well as to wake up to birds singing every morning. Our apartment complex frames one of the green parks here in Copenhagen. I’m looking forward to lying on a blanket, reading a good book next to Morten and enjoying the sun in Classens Have.

2. Rügen

ruegen-panorama-kalender-2008-081200px-Rügen_Panorama800px-Insel_Rügen-Strand_von_Sellinb60afb87a8I’m looking forward to visiting Rügen, Germany’s biggest (and most beautiful) island. This is where I grew up, this is where my parents and my bestest friend Stephan live, this is where there’s so many undiscovered things waiting for me. Do you know the feeling of tourists knowing your home town/place better than you? This summer I will return as a tourist and try out all the things that back then seemed too ‘touristy’. I’m excited!

3. Friends

IMG_2874IMG_2665IMG_309317-01-09-002skac3a6Being with my friends is going to be the biggest treat this summer. Coming to a new country, I found it difficult to find new friends. After one and a half year of living in Denmark I can proudly announce that I found the greatest friends ever: Stephan (okay that was cheating, he’s been my friend forever, and he’s from Germany, I know, I know), Morten, my true love, Kristian, the most talented athlete and referee ever, and last but not least, beautiful Brinja, a girl that truly gets me. 

4. BBQ’ing


Meet Gregory Grill, our lovely Weber grill. He’s already brought hours of joy and tons of good food to us, and I’m positive that this year he will once again combine point 1 (Classens Have) and point 3 (friends) and make this summer really special.

5. My summer job at Brinja KBH

img_1941skalimg_0603skalI’ve been a proud member of the Brinja KBH family for over two months already and I’m so happy to send its lovely owners, Brinja and Anders, on a well-deserved trip through Europe while I’m taking care of the shop. 

Wow, that post really made my longing after summer grow even bigger. Fortunately, it’s only two ore weeks until I’m done with my exams :-)

I’m really eager to see why you can’t wait for the summer to begin! I’m tagging Brinja, Sam, Lea, Gabbi, Nicole  and Natascha!



carriage ride

When planning for the birthday party last Saturday my mom came up with a really cute surprise. She booked a 2-hour carriage ride. None of the guests, except for my brothers and I, knew about the trip and it was fun to see their faces when they finally realized what was going on. We were just riding into the blue – the weather definitely was on our side! My dad got the front row seat next to the tour guide which seemed to make him really happy. He loves meeting new people and gain insight into someone’s life and job. When stopping in the middle of nowhere (people had a bit too much beer) my parents and my little cousin Emely were allowed to sit on the horses for a while. My dad looks like a proud cowboy whereas my mom seems slightly scared =) It was a really fun trip!


back home

I just got back from a nice long weekend in Germany! Sunshine, lots of food, quality time with dear friends and family and a ride on my scooter… Hope you also enjoyed your weekend!

IMG_2892Lovely sunset

IMG_2998brunch with lots of fruit

IMG_2812Stephan and Morten

IMG_3015Mini and I

IMG_2787Me and my brothers (Felix, 20 and Frank, 26)

IMG_3013Morten and I on my scooter