day 5

Last night it became clear to me that I have succeeded 4 meatless days already – without even having the tiniest bit of a craving for meat.

Lunches have pretty much been the same. Cheese on whole grain bread (home made, if I might add!). If I want to continue having a greener way of living I need to seriously work on some lunch options. I like avocado a lot, just hate the fact that they’re either not ripe enough or way too ripe. I also bought some spreads. One with tomato and chili, the other one with curry. Those might be nice topped with some cucumbers or tomatoes. Cream cheese I like as well. I could try egg salad. Wow, all of a sudden I have a big range to chose from :-)

2 responses to this post.

  1. congrats on the meatless meals so far:)


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