Archive for January, 2010

means of communication

When talking on the phone just isn’t enough.



I’m packing my backpack for a weekend trip to Germany to visit my good friend Stephan and my family. Apparently snow storm Jennifer is a bit of a trouble maker on the island of Rügen.

Can’t figure out whether I think it’s cosy or spooky. Probably a bit of both. I hope Stephan will be able to get through to the ferry harbor to come and get me.

The pictures I borrowed from our local newspaper: Ostsee-Zeitung.

first encounter: hokkaido pumpkin

Pretty name, pretty color, pretty tasteful!

Today I tried hokkaido pumpkin for the very first time. Walking past it in the supermarket for the past three months, I decided yesterday that one of those little fellows had to come home with me. Good decision!

I made a soup from it – spicy and creamy. Perfect on a cold winter day!

Pumpkin-potato soup

1 hokkaido pumpin

6 small potatoes

2 medium onions

2 cloves garlic

2 tsp curry powder

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp Herbamare Original

32 oz (1 l) water

chili powder, salt and pepper to taste

Cut potatoes and pumpkin in cubes, chop onions and garlic. Add oil, curry, onions and garlic to a pan and sauté for 5 minutes. Add potatoes and pumpkin. Fill up with bouillon until vegetables are covered. Let simmer for about 30 minutes or until vegetables are fully cooked. Blend in a food processor or use a hand blender. Add chili powder, salt and pepper to taste. Top it off with some roasted pumpkin seeds and enjoy the soup with a toasted slice of whole grain bread. Serves 4.

oh happy day

I aced my oral exam!

I also studied like crazy for it – NOT!

It’s funny how I get through my exams with little to no effort and and yet there’s almost always a great outcome. Me HAPPY!


I’m gonna spend my afternoon at the library studying for my oral exam tomorrow. Just wished our local library was as cool as the New York public library…

lasagna – vegetarian style

For those of you who like American Football, you know that Sunday is game day. Here in Denmark they broadcast the games live (meaning pretty much in the middle of the night!). We have our friend Kristian over for dinner and then the guys get into a comfy position on the couch and enjoy hours of football. So manly!

I love taking care of the two by making manly food. Well, most of the times. Tonight we’ll have a girly dish: vegetarian lasagna. I tried this recipe in school and fell totally in love with it.

6 portions:

1 onion, finely chopped

1-? cloves garlic (see, I would add 5 – it’s totally up to you)

1 1/2 tbs. olive oil

8 oz. (250g) mushrooms, sliced

1 can peeled tomatoes, chopped

1 small can tomato puree

2 tsp. oregano

2 tsp. basil

14 oz. (400g) carrots, shredded

8 oz. (250g) leek, sliced

12 lasagna noodles, whole wheat would be nice here

8 oz. (250g) mornay sauce

4 oz. (125g) grated cheese

salt and pepper to taste

Combine onion, garlic and olive oil in a sauté pan and cook over medium heat. Add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. Stir and add leeks and carrots. Add tomatoes, tomato puree and herbs. Turn down the heat and let simmer for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 400°F (200° C). Spread a little bit of mornay sauce on the bottom of a baking pan. Put a layer of lasagna noodles down first, add 1/3 of the vegetable sauce and top it with a bit of mornay sauce. Repeat two more times. You wanna end with a layer of lasagna noodles, topped with cheese and lots of mornay sauce. Cook for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool 5-10 minutes before serving. Serve it with some whole wheat bread and a fresh salad.

I will add a picture later.

happy anniversary

Jeg elsker dig, min skat!

day 5

Last night it became clear to me that I have succeeded 4 meatless days already – without even having the tiniest bit of a craving for meat.

Lunches have pretty much been the same. Cheese on whole grain bread (home made, if I might add!). If I want to continue having a greener way of living I need to seriously work on some lunch options. I like avocado a lot, just hate the fact that they’re either not ripe enough or way too ripe. I also bought some spreads. One with tomato and chili, the other one with curry. Those might be nice topped with some cucumbers or tomatoes. Cream cheese I like as well. I could try egg salad. Wow, all of a sudden I have a big range to chose from :-)

today’s weather will be purple, with a little bit of ginger

Good morning everyone! Blueberry-banana-mango smoothie, what better way to start the day?! Hope you’ll have a lovely Thursday!

big peas and beans day

That cook book I was talking about
yesterday advised me to introduce a peas and beans day. You pick a day, put all the dried peas and beans you like in water, let them soak for at least 12 hours and then cook all of them  at once (separately, of course). Then you freeze them down in smaller portions. That way you’ll always have some peas and beans ready to use. Smart, huh?

So now I’m cooking chickpeas and lima beans. Will have another peas and beans day tomorrow (bad planning, I know) with kidney beans, mung beans and some black eyed beans. After that I should be fully prepared for some delicious stews, soups and curries :-)

(Click on photo for source)